What is Dev Op Tool?

Dev OP Tool is a proprietary fullstack desktop application. For that reason it is not publically avaliable for viewing, and the images have data redacted for security purposes. The frontend is designed using Java's Swing API, and the backend uses a combination of Java and Python to do a series of tasks. Persistent memory is stored and retrieved from a normalized SQLite database. I created this tool to aid me in doing time consuming, repeatative tasks for the network technician position at my university. Eventually it became a tool used often by UNO's entire IT team. Dev OP Tool is capable of scanning for hosts on UNO's network and determining what subnet they are on and where they are linked onto the network. Futhermore, it can be used to sync together equipment on our network monitoring systems. This aids UNO's IT in maintaining our systems and detecting issues as they occur. Finally, Dev OP Tool is capable of creating backups of all network equipment to be stored on a TFTP server. When a user is communicating sensitive data to the server it is encrypted using a combination of RSA and AES encryption. This serves as a way to prevent successful man-in-the-middle attacks on the tool's server or host's session.

Home Page

Network Scans

NMS Manager

Backup Creator

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